Legal mentions
Company or business name: Baguette Academy Registered office address: 27 rue Sœur Bouvier – 69005 Lyon Phone number: 09 86 18 03 17 Address: 27 rue Sœur Bouvier – 69005 Lyon Email address: [email protected] Legal form of the company (SA, LLC, GP, Corp, etc.): SAS Amount of share capital: €71,420 Name of the director of publication: Emmanuel TERTRAIS Activity: Training organizations for professionals in bakery and pastry Registration number in the trade and companies register: 817 523 772 Individual tax identification number: FR48817523772
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DATA USAGE – CNIL (French Data Protection Authority)
In accordance with the law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the Data Protection Act, you have the right to individual access, rectification, and deletion of personal data concerning you that Baguette Academy may collect for the processing of your file. Your rights can be exercised at Baguette Academy (27 rue Sœur Bouvier – 69005 Lyon). These data remain for the internal use of Baguette Academy. CNIL Simplified declaration number: 1925439
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